New Mexico Quilters Association
"We're Enchanted With Quilting!"
"Friendship Forever" Workshop
with Virginia Walton
Using the Creative Curves Rulers, you'll learn to make curved patterns based on a square, half-square triangle, quarter circle and the matching inside curve – with seam allowances included. There are a wide variety of curved shapes that that can be created using either individual curved pieces or by doubling (or more!) the number of squares that are the basis for these Rulers.
Virginia Walton is the inventor of the rulers for the CREATIVE CURVES QUILTING SYSTEM, which substitutes curves for half-square triangles (circular curves) or half-rectangle triangles (oval curves). As a lecturer and teacher, her specialties include easy sewing machine techniques (machine piecing curves without pins in particular) and color or fabric selection (how to combine fabric to create the effect desired in a quilt).
Appropriate for Beginner to Advanced quilters!
Cost: $25 Member/$45 Non-Member, plus $35 Kit Fee payable to Virginia Walton. Creative Curves 3" ruler will be available to purchase for $18.95+Tax, payable to Virginia Walton.
NMQA Cancellation Policy: Due to contract obligations with instructors, NMQA is unable to provide refunds if you cancel your participation in a workshop less than forty-five (45) days prior to the event. Exceptions for illness or family emergency will be considered by the board on a case-by-case basis.
©2022 Copyright • New Mexico Quilters Association is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.